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TASCAM 90-16
analog tape 1" 16trx
PC, i7, CUBASE 10
motu core 24 i/o
mic: neumann u87, neumann tlm49, rode k2, sennheiser e604, sennheiser e609, beyerdynamic TG D57,
JZ BT201/3s, sm7b, sm57, sm58, ga fc2, rode nt1A, sennheiser s845, akg d112
console/preamps: mackie sr40-8, WA73-EQ, WA-2A, dord custom tube preams, c.dbx, mon: AC AKUSTIKA concrete box 15, yamaha ns-10m, yamaha hs-80, rp5 krk. tape analog AEG M15 /analog tape mastering
APARÁTY k zapůjčení: Kemper profiler,
mesa boogie triple rectifier, marshall jcm 800,
evh 5150 III, peavey 5150, orange th 30, boxy:
mesa, marshall, peavey, crate, ac v30
kytary: jackson, dean, macho, epiphone, fender, squier, focus cust., schecter, ltd, lag, bass K5
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